Take care! you may fall into the water. | Dikkat edin! suya düşebilirsiniz. |
What do you see above? | Yukarıda ne görüyorsunuz |
I see the sky. | Göğü görüyorum. |
And what do you see below? | Ve aşağıda ne görüyorsunuz? |
I see the earth. | Toprağı görüyorum. |
What flies in the air? | Havada ne uçuyor? |
The bird and the plane fly in the air. | Havada kuş ve uçak uçuyor. |
The soldier fights against the enemy. | Er düşmana karşı savaşıyor. |
Where have you been during your holiday? | Tatiliniz sırasında neredeydiniz? |
I spent my holiday at the farm. | Tatilimi çiflikte geçirdim. |
There is a path across | Bahçenin arasından bir pa |
The plane flies through the clouds. | Uçak bulutların arasında uçuyor. |
above (abav) yukarı, üstünde, angry (en’gri) öfkeli, dargın, against (e’genst) karşı, across (ekros) ortasından, below (bi’lö) aşağı, aşağıda, cloud (klaud) bulut, change, to (çene) değiş (tir) mek. comedy (kam’idi) komedi, drama (dre’ma) dram, devil (de’vıl) şeytan, during (diu’ring) esnasında, earth (ördh) yer, toprak, enemy (en’imi) düşman, especially (es’peşali) özellikle, hele. special (spe’şöl) özel. | false (fols) sahte, yapmacık, into (intu) içine, içinde, miss, to (tu mis) kaçırmak, başa ramamak, newspaper (nius’pepır) gazete, often (ofm) en çok, çok kez. path (padh) patika, yol. pleasure (ple’jör) zevk, keyif, haz. seldom (sel’dım) nadir olarak, since (sins) … den beri; mademki. thank, to (tu dhenk) teşekkür etmek. through (dhrö) arasından. till (til) … e kadar. at a time (et e taym) birden. |
Do you often go to the movies? | Sık sık sinemaya gider misiniz? |
I seldom miss a good nicture. (*) | Nadir olarak iyi bir filim kaçırırım. |
(*) (resim) den başka, picture (sinema filmi) manasına da, gelir. |
I waited for him till ten o’clock. | Onu (erk.) saat ona kadar bekledim. |
Since you go out, please, bring me a book. | Mademki dışarı çıkıyor sunuz, lütfen bana bir kitap getiriniz. |
Everything has changed here, since you came. | Siz geldiğinizden beri burada her şey değişti. |
I seldom go to the theater. | Nadir olarak tiyatroya giderim. |
But I often go to the movies. | Lâkin sık sık sinemaya giderim. |
I have often been at his house. | Sık sık onun (erk.) evine gittim. |
Who told you that? | Bunu kimden duydun? |
What the devil are you doing here? | Burada işiniz ne, Allah aşkına? |
I am angry with you. | Size darıldım. |
What have you done there? | Orada ne yaptınız? |
Who is that girl you were speaking of? | Sözünü ettiğiniz kız kimdir? |
Do you think her pretty? | Onu güzel buluyormusunuz? |
What do you advise me to buy? | Ne satın almamı tavsiye edersiniz? |
That will do, thank you. Yeter, teşekkür ederim, dhat uil du dhank yu EGZERSİZ 48 — Aşağıdaki mastarları geçmiş zaman haline koyarak, cümleleri tamamlayınız. Örnek: I loved my parents. I (to love) my parents. — I (to lose) my key. — We (to arrive) at five o’clock. — You (to dance) with my sister. — They (to buy) many new books. — He (to borrow) some money from his brother. — We (to receive) a special letter. — They (to give) us false news. — She (to kiss) her friend. — I (to pay) my debt. — You (to walk) with her in the garden. — After lunch I (to play) at cards. — Yesterday, I (to rise) early in the morning. — The other day she (to sing) a beautiful song. — The cat (to kill) the mouse. — We (to smoke) a turkish cigarette. — They (to smell) the flowers of your garden. — And they (to eat) the fruits of my garden. EGZERSİZ 49 — Aşağıdaki konuşmaları Türkçeye çeviriniz. “You very often go to the movies”. “Oh! yes, it is my greatest pleasure in life.” “But I like the theater better.” “Oh! no, I don’t like it at all.” “Well, do you even go in summer, when it is very hot?” “Yes especially as they show two pictures at a time.” “What do you like better, comedy or drama?” “If it is well played, I love both.” “How many times a week do you go to the movies?” |
“I go two or even three times a week.” “You must spend much money on that!” “Oh! no, my father is a mewsman.” |
OKUMA: Jokes. An airplane was for up in the sky when the pilot began to laugh aloud. THE PASSENGER : What is the joke? PILOT : — I am thinking of what they will say at the asylum when they find out I have escaped. GUEST: — Well, I must be going. HOST: — Don’t let me keep you if you really must be going. GUEST : — Yes, I really must go. But, really, I did enjoy my little visit. Do you know, when I came in here, I had a headache, but now I have lost it entirely. HOST : — Oh! it is not lost, lost, I have it now… JOHN: — You know, when my father died, he left a million dollars. RICHARD: — And do you know what my father left when he died? JOHN: — No. RICHARD : — Well, he left the whole world!.. |
far up in the sky: havada yükseklerde, what is the joke?: neye gülüyorsunuz (idiom) — harfiyen: şakası nedir? to find out: keşfetmek, meydana çıkarmak. I must be going: gitmeliyim, don’t let me keep you: size mani olmayım, to enjoy (tu in’coy) : eğlenmek, zevk duymak -— I did enjoy my little visit : küçük zirayetimden çok zevk duydum. ache (ek); ağır — headache: baş ağrısı I had a headache: başım ağrıyordu. the whole world: bütün dünya. |