
I am going to the office.Ben büro’ya gitmekteyim.
I was going to the theater.Ben tiyatro’ya gitmekteydim
You are learning your lesson.Dersinizi öğrenmektesiniz.
You were learning the english language.İngiliz dili öğrenmekteydiniz.
He is giving bread to the poor.Fıkara’ya ekmek vermektedir.
She was giving money to the poor.Fıkara’ya para vermekteydi.
We loved our friend.Arkadaşımızı sevdik.
We are loved by our friends.Arkadaşlarımız tarafından seviliyoruz.
I was loved by them.Onlar tarafından sevildim.
I shall be loved by Tom-Tom tarafından sevileceğim.


To deceive                                aldatmak
I am deceivedben aldandım
you are deceivedsen aldandın
he, she is deceivedo aldandı
we are deceivedbiz aldandık
you are deceivedsiz aldandınız
they are deceivedonlar aldandılar
I was deceivedben aklanmıştım.
you were deceivedsen aldanmıştm
he, she was deceivedo aldanmıştı
we were deceivedbiz aldanmıştık
you were deceivedsiz aklanmıştınız
they were deceivedonlar aldanmıştılar
I shall be deceivedaldanmış olacağım
you will be deceivedaldanmış olacaksın
he, she will be deceived        aldanmış olacak
we shall be deceivedaldanmış olacağız
you will be deceivedaldanmış olacaksınız
they will be deceivedaldanmış olacaklar


Bu derste verdiğimiz bir iki yeni zamanla, yazımızda fiillere ayırmış olduğumuz kısım tamamlan­maktadır. İngilizcede, bunlardan başka daha karışık zamanlar olmakla beraber, günlük konuşmalarda yetecek başlıca zamanlan öğrenmiş bulunuyorsunuz.


bravely (brev’li) yiğitçe, crime (kraym) cinayet, commit, to (tu komıt) işlemek, cover, to (tu kavır) örtmek, kaplamak, faith (fedh) inanç, iman, faithful (fedh’ful) sadık, gun (gan) tüfek, top, tabanca, island (ay’lend) ada. jewel (ciu’ıl) mücevher, jein, to (tu coin) katılmak, journey (cör’ni) seyahat, on the right (an dhi rayt) sağarabbit (rabıt) tavşan, left (left) sol.

liberty (libır’ti) özgürlük; ser­bestlik, penknife (pen’nayf) çakı, snake (snek) yılan, storm (storm) fırtına, soup (sup) çorba, taste, to (tu test) tatmak, to sit down (tu sit daun) otur­mak.

in working order (in uörking ö’dır) işler durumda.

.on the left (an dhi left) sola.


I shall be sat on the left.Ben sola oturmuş olacağım.
You will be sat on the right.Siz sağa oturmuş olacaksınız.
We were tasting your soup.Çorbanızı tatmaktaydık.
The snake was killed by the boy.Yılan çocuk tarafından öldürüldü.
They were coming from the island.Onlar adadan gelmekteydiler.
She is loved by all her friends.O (kad.) bütün arkadaşları tarafından seviliyor.
The crime was committed with a gun.Cinayet tabanca ile işlendi.
He is joining us.O (erk.) bize katılmak üzeredir
The mouse was killed by the cat.Fare kedi tarafından öldürüldü.
The box will be closed tomorrow.Kutu yarın kapanacaktır.


You are deceiving me.Beni aldatıyorsunuz.
I was just thinking about you.Ben de şimdi sizi düşünüyordum.
Were you expecting me to-day?Beni bugün umuyormuydunuz?
Why are you asking this of me?Bunu bana ne diye soruyor­sunuz?
You must know better than I do.Bunu benden çok iyi bilirsi­niz.
My watch is not in working order.Saatim işlemiyor.
I didn’t think it was so late.Bu kadar geç olduğunu sanmıyordum.


EGZERSİZ 50 — Aşağıdaki cümlelerde fiiller geç­miş zamandadır; kuralsız fiillerin altlarını çiziniz.

The ill main rose from his bed and walked. — I did not look him in the face. — The soldiers fought bravely, — Jane has done her work. — I wrote to you before I left the town. — The mountain is covered with snow. — We walked into the country. — John has bought a nice penknife. — The tree was broken by the storm. — I have taken the liberty of asking you a question. — The men finished their work with grest care. — Have you found the book that was lost? — I sat down to write a. letter. — I have sent a faithful servant. — She has forgotten her old friends. — My brother has taken a long journey. — We have seen strange things. — The jewels were lost and they were found. — Riza has taken my book. — The horse has been sold. — I have done my duty.



A strange adventure.


Lord Pelham, who lived near London in a country- house, was once returning home.

Suddenly a man bearing a basket under his arm, came in front of him.

“My lord,” said he, “will you not buy this white rabbit?”

The lord, wished to go on without saying a word, “My lord,” repeated the man with ân expressive tone, “you will not refuse to buy my white rabbit?” “What shall I do with it?” replied the lord. “Good friend, let me alone.”

“No, my lord, you must buy my rabbit!”

And at the same time the man put a gun on the lord’s breast.

“All right, then, I shall buy it. What is the price of the rabbit?”

“A thousand pounds” said the man.

“I have not so considerable a. sum about me.”


“Never mind; your signature is sufficient. Here is paper and a pen; I have provided for everything.” Lord Pelham wrote a cheque, payable at sight for the sum demanded, and then continued his way home.


country-house : kır evi. was once returning home: bir gün eve dönüyordu, in front: önüne, karşısına — came in front of him: önüne çıkıverdi.

with an expressive tone (uidh an eks’presiv ton): manalı bir tavırla.

let me alone : git işine (idiom) — har­fiyen: beni yalnız bırak.

about me : yanımda — I have not so considerable a sum about me: yanımda bu kadar çok para yok.

never mind (ne’vör maynd): zararı yok; aldırma (idiom).

I  have provided for everything: her şeyi tedarik ettim.

payable at sight (pey’ebıl et sayt): ibrazında öde­necek — a cheque payable at sight: ibrazında ödene­cek bir çek.

his way home: evin yolunu (tuttu).


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