There are four seasons in a year. | Yılda dört mevsim vardır. |
dher ar for sî’zens in e yîr | |
The first season is spring. | îlk mevsim bahardır. |
dhî först sî’zön is spring | |
Summer is the second season. | Yaz ikinci mevsimdir. |
sam’er is dhî se’kendt sî’zön | |
The third season is autumn. | Üçüncü mevsim sonbahardır. |
dhî dhörd sî’zön is o’tum | |
Winter is the fourth season. | Kış dördüncü mevsimdir. |
sam’er is dhî se’kendt sîzön | |
The best season is spring. | En iyi mevsim bahardır. |
dhî best sî’zön is spring | |
Last month was March. | Geçen ay Marttı. |
last mandh uoz març | |
Next month will be May. | Gelecek ay Mayıs olacak. |
nekst mandh uil bi mey | |
Last year I was 26 years old | .Geçen yıl 26 yaşındaydım. |
last yir ay uoz 26 yirs old | |
after (af’tör) sonra. | bed (bed) yatak. |
air (er) hava. | bed-ı-oom (bed-rum) yatak odası. |
also (ol’so) de, da, dahi. |
before (bi’for) önce, önünde. | pocket (po’kit) cep. |
between (bit’uin) arasında. | rain (ren) yağmur. |
class (klâs) sınıf. | room (rum) oda. |
clock (klok) duvar saati. | sand (send) kum. |
drop (drop) damla. | sun (san) güneş. |
evening (iv’ning) akşam. | time (taym) zaman; kez. |
midday (mid’dey) öğle. | thunder (dhen’dır) gök gürle |
moon (mun) ay (gökteki). | mesi. |
circle (sör’kıl) daire, halka. | wall (uöl) duvar. |
morning (mor’ning) sabah. | weather (ue’dhır) hava (iklim). |
on (an) üstünde. | wind (uind) rüzgâr. |
out (aut) dışarı, dışarda. | youth (yudh) gençlik. |
over (o’vır) üzerinde. |
The clock is on the wall. | Duvar saati duvardadır. |
The watch is in my pocket. Cep saati cebimdedir.
What a bad weather! uot e bed ue’dher | Ne kötü hava! |
I am in. and she is out. | Ben buradayım ve o (kad.) |
ay em in end şi is aut | dışarıdadır. |
From time to time. from taym tu taym | Bazı bazı, ara sıra. |
What time is it? uot taym is it | Saat kaç? |
It is six o’clock. it is siks oklok | Saat altıdır. |
It is half past seven. it is haf past sevin | Saat yedi buçuktur. |
It is a quarter to five. it is e kuor’ter tu fayv | Beşe çeyrek var. |
It is a quarter past eight it is e kuor’ter past eyt | Sekizi çeyrek geçiyor. |
It is 20 minutes to ten. it is 20 min’üts to ten | Ona yirmi dakika var. |
It is 20 minutes past ten. it is 20 min’ûts past ten | Onu yirmi dakika geçiyor. |
It is midday. it is mid’dey | Öğle vaktidir. |
EGZERSİZ 28 — Aşağıdaki soruların cevaplarını yazınız. How many seasons are there in a year? — Which are the seasons of the year? — Which is the cold season? — Which is the first season? — What season is after Spring? — What season is before Winter? — What season is between Spring and Autumn? — In which season is the sun hot? — Which is the fifth |
month of the year? — Which is the last month of the year? — Which month is between October and December. Which is the month before June? Which is the month after February? — Which is the third day of the week? — Which day is after Saturday? — Which day is between Monday and Wednesday? — Which day is before Friday? — In which room is the bed? |