There are four seasons in a year.Yılda dört mevsim vardır.
dher ar for sî’zens in e yîr 
The first season is spring.îlk mevsim bahardır.
dhî först sî’zön is spring 
Summer is the second season.Yaz ikinci mevsimdir.
sam’er is dhî se’kendt sî’zön 
The third season is autumn.Üçüncü mevsim sonbahar­dır.
dhî dhörd sî’zön is o’tum 
Winter is the fourth season.Kış dördüncü mevsimdir.
sam’er is dhî se’kendt sîzön 
The best season is spring.En iyi mevsim bahardır.
dhî best sî’zön is spring 
Last month was March.Geçen ay Marttı.
last mandh uoz març 
Next month will be May.Gelecek ay Mayıs olacak.
nekst mandh uil bi mey 
Last year I was 26 years old.Geçen yıl 26 yaşındaydım.
last yir ay uoz 26 yirs old 
after (af’tör) sonra.bed (bed) yatak.
air (er) hava.bed-ı-oom (bed-rum) yatak odası.
also (ol’so) de, da, dahi. 


before (bi’for) önce, önünde.pocket (po’kit) cep.
between (bit’uin) arasında.rain (ren) yağmur.
class (klâs) sınıf.room (rum) oda.
clock (klok) duvar saati.sand (send) kum.
drop (drop) damla.sun (san) güneş.
evening (iv’ning) akşam.time (taym) zaman; kez.
midday (mid’dey) öğle.thunder (dhen’dır) gök gürle­
moon (mun) ay (gökteki).mesi.
circle (sör’kıl) daire, halka.wall (uöl) duvar.
morning (mor’ning) sabah.weather (ue’dhır) hava (iklim).
on (an) üstünde.wind (uind) rüzgâr.
out (aut) dışarı, dışarda.youth (yudh) gençlik.
over (o’vır) üzerinde.
The clock is on the wall.Duvar saati duvardadır.

The watch is in my pocket.    Cep saati cebimdedir.



What a bad weather!

uot e bed ue’dher

Ne kötü hava!
I am in. and she is out.Ben buradayım ve o (kad.)
ay em in end şi is autdışarıdadır.
From time to time.

from taym tu taym

Bazı bazı, ara sıra.
What time is it?

uot taym is it

Saat kaç?
It is six o’clock.

it is siks oklok

Saat altıdır.
It is half past seven.

it is haf past sevin

Saat yedi buçuktur.
It is a quarter to five.

it is e kuor’ter tu fayv

Beşe çeyrek var.
It is a quarter past eight

it is e kuor’ter past eyt

Sekizi çeyrek geçiyor.
It is 20 minutes to ten.

it is 20 min’üts to ten

Ona yirmi dakika var.
It is 20 minutes past ten.

it is 20 min’ûts past ten

Onu yirmi dakika geçiyor.
It is midday.

it is mid’dey

Öğle vaktidir.


EGZERSİZ 28 — Aşağıdaki soruların cevaplarını yazınız.

How many seasons are there in a year? — Which are the seasons of the year? — Which is the cold season? — Which is the first season? — What season is after Spring? — What season is before Winter?

—   What season is between Spring and Autumn? — In which season is the sun hot? — Which is the fifth

month of the year? — Which is the last month of the year? — Which month is between October and De­cember. Which is the month before June? Which is the month after February? — Which is the third day of the week? — Which day is after Satur­day? — Which day is between Monday and Wednes­day? — Which day is before Friday? — In which room is the bed?


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