İngilizce Konu Anlatımı ve Notlar – 7

alreadyzatena numbersayı
an anthemmarşan orchestraorkestra
asgibito playçalmak
a beardsakala playermüzisyen
certainlyelbettea programmeprogram
a clarinetklarnetredkırmızı
a conductororkestra şefito rememberhatırlamak
differentfarklıa rowsıra
from../dena secretarysekreter
an Intervalarasomebodybirisi
an Itemmaddea stamppul
nationalulusala symphonysenfoni


That’s right, don’t you remember ?    Doğru, hatırlamıyor musun ?

It’s the National Anthem.    Bu milli marş.

He looks different without his beard.    Sakalsız değişik görünüyor.

Do as you like.    İstediğin gibi yap.

Of course not.    Elbette ki hayır.


(Benedict’ler konserde.)

HELEN These are our seats, aren’t they ?

JOHN    Yes, I think they are. Row F, numbers five, six and seven.

That’s right.

HELEN Aren’t you going to buy a programme ?

JOHN    Of course not. Elsa bought three yesterday, didn’t you, Elsa ?

ELSA    Yes; here they are.

HELEN You’ll want a drink in the interval, won’t you ?

JOHN    Yes, I certainly will.

ELSA    We can all go to the bar from here, can’t we ?

HELEN What’s the first item on the programme ? A Beethoven symphony, isn’t it ?

JOHN    Yes, but I think they always play the National Anthem first.

ELSA Father, you know somebody in this orchestra, don’t you ?

JOHN Yes, oid George MacDougall, the first clarinet-player. But don’t you remember ? He came to our house for a holiday when you were a little girl.

ELSA He was that man with a red beard, wasn’t he ?

HELEN Yes, that’s the man. John, isn’t that George coming in now ? Do esn’t he look different without his beard !

JOHN Of course he looks different because that isn’t George at all! Ge orge is already sitting down. There, you can see him, can’t you ?

HELEN I needn’t take my hat off, need I ?

JOHN No, do just as you like.

HELEN Ah, here’s the conductor.

Practice sentences for lessons 27 and 28:

It isn’t raining now, but it will tomorrow… He can talk, bu he can’t write… I must go, but you needn’t go… Can’t she do it ?… Won’t those men help her ?…


PRONUNCIATION    the first clarinet-player.

Practice your r’s : red, read, run, row,clarinet, diary, fruit, very, programme, secretary, remembe (r)

Regular past:

d] played, remembered [ X ], mattered [ X ] t] looked, asked, wished, talked id] wanted, needed, waited, fainted STRESS

1 – : clarinet, different, interval, sumphony

– 2 : al’ready, con’ductor, re’member INTONATION

Ek sorularda (değil mi anlamında) ses yönetimi şöyle olacaktır:

–    konuşan kişi bir bilgi istiyorsa ses yükselir:

You’ll leave early, won’t you ? X Erken gideceksin, değil mi ?

–    konuşan kişi alacağı cevabı biliyor da bunu sırf daha kuvvetli onay almak için soruyorsa, ses iner:


It’s raining hard, isn’t it ? X Çok yağıyor, değil mi ? GRAMMAR

–    Olumsuz soru yapısı: Bunu daha önce de görmüştük. Genellikle meydan okur gibi bir olumsuzla, onaylatmak istenenin tersi söylenir, ya da demin zaten söylenmiş bir şey ünlem olarak tekrarlanır. Olumsuz soru her zaman kısa biçimde kullanılır. Dikkat: to be fiilinin birinci kişisinde olumsuz soru, yani i am‘ in olumsuz sorusu, aren’t i olur.

Haven’t you any time now ?    Şimdi hiç vaktin yok mu ?

Isn’t this your handbag ?    Bu senin çantan değil mi ?

Weren’t my answers right ?    Cevaplarım doğru değil miydi ?

Can’t she play tennis ?    Tenis oynayamıyor mu ?

Isn’t this charming !    Ne güzel, değil mi ?

Doesn’t he look different!    Farklı görünmüyor mu ?

Aynı yapı elbette WH sorularında da kullanılmaktadır:

Why aren’t they ready ?    Neden hazır değiller ?

What can’t you understand ?    Neyi anlamıyorsun ?

Where didn’t he go !    Nereye gitmemiş !

Olumsuz soru en çok da “değil mi ” anlamında kullanılır. Bunu daha önce yine görmüştük, bugünkü conversation’da da örnekleri geçti:

These are our seats, aren’t they ? Bunlar bizim kdtıMarmız*feğ| mi?

You bought them yesterday, didn’t you ? Dün satın almıştın, değil mi ?

It isn’t George, is it ?    O George değil, değil mi ?

I needn’t take it off, need I ?    Çıkarmak zorunda cfeğlm,cfeçf mî?

There is kullanılan yapıda, soruda da there kullanılır:

There isn’t any bread, is there ?    Ekmek yok, değil mi ?

There are a few people, aren’t there ? Birkaç kişi var, değil mi ?

Dialogları dikkatle dinleyin, ses yönetimine, çıkan ve inen seslere dikkat edin. Bilgi bekleniyorsa ses yükseliyor, cevap zaten blriycrsases nycr,değimi?

–    Forget ile remember’ in anlama göre yapılarını birbirinden ayırmak cpıeMr:

I forgot to post the letters.    Mektupları postalamayı unuttum.

I remember posting the letters on the Müzeden dönerken mektupları way back from the museum.    posta ladığımı hatırlıyorum.

I remembered to post them.    Onları postalamayı hatırladım


–    Prepositions:

With ve without ‘un arkasından belgisiz belirtici gelir (eğer isim somutsa):

The man with a red beard.    Kızıl sakallı adam.

He stood in the rain without an umbrella. Yağmurun altındaşangyeazdudu

    From kelimesi menşe belirtir, yani Türkçe’deki ‘den hali ekidir.

Isn’t this the letter from the hotel ? Bu otelden gelen mektup değil mi ?

He’s coming from Birmingham.    Birmingham’dan gel iyor.


EXERCISE 1. Use the right preposition :

1. Look ! George is the man – a red beard. 2. Look – him, doesn’t he look different ? 3. Please, listen – the music. 4.1 got a letter – my brother. 5. She looked – window and went – the shop. 6. She sent the letter – the man in the bank. 7. They’re sleeping – this room. 8.1 can’t remember this – all. EXERCISE 2. Change these, as follows, to show surprise, etc.:

These letters are ready…………Aren’t these letters ready ?

1. I’m foing with you. 2. This is your hat. 3. You understand. 4. He speaks English. 5. You’ve got time now. 6. She’s with some friends. 7. The bus will be late. 8. You can go to sleep. 9. He must wash his hands. 10. They enjoyed the programme. 11. All your friends were there. 12. She’ll be hungry. 13. They all want to go. 14. His clock is slow. 15. There’s a policeman in the street. 16. The secretary wrote this. 17. He goes to a meeting every Friday. EXERCISE 3. Build sentences as follows :

They aren’t ready (why). …    Why aren’t they ready ?

1. She isn’t coming (why). 2. You didn’t go (where). 3. We needn’t take the bags with us (what bags). 4. You can’t understand (what). 5. We musn’t go into that room (why). 6. They won’t visit us (why).

EXERCISE 4. Answer these, as follows:

I’m going with you, aren’t I ? – Of course, you x are !

1. This is your hat, isn’t it ? 2. His passport was valid, wasn’t it ? 3. You’ve got some time now, haven’t you ? 4. The girls must stay at home, mustn’t they ? 5. She can spend all her money, can’t she ? 6. I’m doing it carefully, aren’t I ?

7.    That watch is fast, isn’t it ? 8. They all wanted to go, didn’t they ?

EXERCISE 5. Repear these sentences with a question tag. You know the answer, so the intonation will be falling, as follows:

It isn’t a nice day, ….    It isn’t a nice day, x is it?

I.    You don’t know him. 2. You won’t be late. 3. Miss Ferguson can’t work for us. 4. We aren’t staying here long. 5. The old people were tired. 6.This building has a back-door. 7. We needn’t wait for Elsa. 8. There was a stamp on the envelope. 9. The programme starts at nine. 10. He’s got two brothers.

II.    We needn’t hurry. 12. You’ll thank them for me.

EXERCISE 6. Answer the questions on the conversation :

1. Where are the Benedicts’ seats ? 2. Why don’t they buy a programme ?

3. When will John have a drink ? 4. What’s the first item on the programme ? 5. When do they play the National Anthem ?6. Who do they know in Edinburgh ? 7. Is the man without a beard George MacDougall ?

8.When    did Mr MacDougall visit the Benedicts ?

İngilizce Konu Anlatımı ve Notlar – 7