İngilizce hayvan ne demek (hayvan ingilizcesi)
İngilizce hayvan isimleri ve Türkçe anlamları (Hayvanlar listesi)
Türkçe – İngilizce
Ağaçkakan = woodpecker
Ahtapot = octopus
Akbaba = vulture
Akrep = scorpion
Antilop = antelope
Arı = bee
Aslan = lion
At = horse
Ateşböceği = firefly
Ayı = bear
Balarısı = honeybee
Balık = fish
Balina = whale
Baykuş = owl
Bıldırcın = quail
Bit = louse
Bizon = bison
Boğa = bull
Böcek = insect
Bufalo = buffalo
Bukalemun = chameleon
Buldok = bulldog
Bülbül = nightingale
Ceylan = gazalle
Cırcırböceği = cricket
Civciv = chick
Çakal = jackal
Çekirge = grasshopper
Çıngıraklıyılan = rattlesnake
Çita = cheetah
Dana = calf
Denizanası = jellyfish
Denizyıldızı = starfish
Deve = camel
Devekuşu = ostrich
Dinozor = dinosaur
Doberman = doberman
Doğan = falcon
Domuz = pig
Ejderha = dragon
Erkek geyik = buck
Eşek = donkey
Eşekarısı = hornet
Fare = mouse
Fil = elephant
Flamingo = flamingo
Fok = seal
Gelincik = weasel
Gergedan = rhinoceros
Geyik = deer
Goril = gorilla
Guguk kuşu = cuckoo
Güve = moth
Güvercin = piegon
Habeşmaymunu = baboon
Hamsi = anchovy
Hindi = turkey
Horoz = cock
Istakoz = lobster
İguana = iguana
İnek = cow
İpekböceği = silkworm
Jaguar = jaguar
Kanarya = canary
Kanguru = kangroo
Kaniş = poodle
Kaplan = tiger
Kaplumbağa = turtle
Karabatak = cormorant
Karaca = roe deer
Karga = crow
Karınca = ant
Kartal = eagle
Katır = mule
Kaz = goose
Keçi = goat
Kedi = cat
Keklik = partridge
Kelebek = butterfly
Kertenkele = lizard
Kırkayak = millipede
Kırlangıç = swallow
Kısrak = mare
Kirpi = hedgehog
Koç = ram
Kokarca = skunk
Koyun = sheep
Köpek = dog
Köpek balığı = shark
Köstebek = mole
Kuala = kuala
Kuğu = swan
Kunduz = beaver
Kurbağa = frog
Kurt = wolf
Kurtçuk = larva
Kuş = bird
Kutup ayısı = polar bear
Kuzu = sheep
Leopar = leopard
Leylek = stork
Martı = gull
Maymun = monkey, ape
Muhabbet kuşu = parakeet
Mürekkepbalığı = cuttlefish
Oğlak = kid
Öküz = ox
Ördek = duck
Örümcek = spider
Panda = panda
Panter = panter
Papağan = parrot
Pelikan = pelican
Penguen = penguin
Piliç = chicken
Pire = flea
Rakun = racun
Rengeyiği = reindeer
Saksağan = magpie
Salyangoz = snail
Sansar = marten
Sazan = carp
Serçe = sparrow
Sıçan = rat
Sığır = cattle
Sırtlan = hyena
Sincap = squirrel
Sinek = fly
Sivrisinek = mosquito
Solucan = worm
Suaygırı = hipopotamus
Susamuru = otter
Sümüklüböcek = slug
Şahin = hawk
Şempanze = chimpanzee
Tahtakurusu = bedbug
Tavşan = rabbit
Tavuk = han
Tavuskuşu = peacock
Tay = colt
Tazı = greyhound
Tırtıl = larva
Tilki = fox
Timsah = crocodile
Tonbalığı = tuna
Turna = crane
Turnabalığı = pike
Uğur böceği = ladybird
Yabanarısı = bumblebee
Yabandomuzu = wild boar
Yabantavşanı = hare
Yarasa = bat
Yengeç = crab
Yılan = snake
Yılanbalığı = eel
Yunus = dolphin
Zebra = zebra
Zürafa = giraffe
İngilizce hayvan isimlerinin okunuşları için yandaki sesli telafuzu kullanabilirsiniz.
İngilizce hayvan tanımları (Hayvan özellikleri)
Filler (Türkçe Tanımı)
Filler büyük kulaklara sahiptir.
Filler çok büyük bir vücuda sahiptir.
Filler karada yaşarlar.
Fillerin hortumu vardır.
Filler, dört yada beş metre yüksekliğinde, dört yada beş ton ağırlığındadır.
Filler afrika, asya ve sıcak bölgelerde yaşar.
Filler elli ile yetmiş yıl yaşar.
Beyaz ve gri filler vardır.
Filler zıplayamazlar.(atlayamazlar, sıçrayamazlar,..)
Filler memeli hayvanlardır.
Filler ve gövdeleri(hortumlarını da kastetmiş olabilir) çok değerlidir.
üsttekinde son cümlede hortumları olması gerekiyo..
ELEPHANT (İngilizce Tanımı)
Elephants have large ears.
Elephants have a very large body.
Elephants live in the land.
There are elephant trunk. / Elephants have trunk.
Elephants, four or five feet high, four or five tons weight.
Elephants live Africa, Asia and warm regions.
Elephants usually live for about fifty and Seventy years
There are white and gray elephants.
Elephants can not jump.
Elephant is a mammal animal
Elephants and trunks are very precious.
Ayılar (Türkçe Tanımı)
Ayı bir memeli hayvandır.
Ayılar yaklaşık otuz beş ve elli yıl yaşayabilir.
Ayının büyük bir vücudu vardır.
Ayılar etoburdur.
Ayılar kısa bir kuyruğu ve kalın postu vardır
Ayılar yüzebilir.
Ayıların bal yemekten hoşlanır.
Uzunluğun bir ila iki metre arasındadır.
Siyah ayılar ve boz ayılar kış uykusuna yatar.
BEAR (İngilizce Tanımı)
The bear is a mammal animal
Bears live about thirty five and fifty years
The bear’s got a large body
bears are carnivorous
Bears has a short tail and thick pelt
Ayılar ağaca tırmanabilir
Bears can swim
Bears enjoy eating honey
Between one and two meters in length.
There are black bears and dun
bears hibernate .
Balina (Türkçe Tanımı)
Onlar soğuk okyanusta yaşar.
Balina bir memeli hayvandır.
Balinalar suda yaşar.
Onlar hemen hemen 50-70 yıl yaşar.
Balinaların su fışkırma deliği var.
Balinalar sürüler gibi(halinde) yaşarlar.
Onlar yarım saat kadar su altında kalabilir.
WHALE (İngilizce Tanımı)
They live in cold ocean
they are Two hundred thirty feet
Whale is a mammal animal
Whales live in water
They live about 70-90 years
Whales have spout
Whales live as herds
No body is made of whales (anlamadım)
They Can stay under water for half hour.
PENGUEN (Türkçe Tanımı)
Penguenler uçamaz.
Penguenlerin hayatı hemen hemen otuz otuzbeş yıldır.
Penguenler bir metre uzunluğunda, ağırlığı otuz ve 40 pound(£) arasında değişmektedir.
Penguenler çok iyi yüzer.
Penguenler gruplar olarak yaşarlar.
penguenlerin kısa kuyrukları vardır.
Siyah gri ve beyaz renklerden oluşmaktadır
Penguenler, kalamar ve balık yer.
PENGUIN (İngilizce Tanımı)
Penguins can’t fly.
life of penguins is about Thirty-thirty five years .
Penguins one meter long, weight is between thirty and forty pounds.
Penguins swim very well.
Penguins live as groups.
Penguins are the short-tailed.
Consists from black, gray and white colors.
Penguins, eat squid and fish
They can stay on the snow with top of their breasts.
The average life of the penguins expectancy during six and a half years.
Penguins are covered with short and frequent body hair .
They need both, sea and lan for living.
İngilizce hayvanlar isimleri resimli
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The horses live in the land.
Take a mammal is an animal.
is obedient to the owner of an animal at.
Forty-sixty-year lifespan is between.
Horses are a small head and short ears.
Black, white, brown, and have dun.
There are horses mane and tail.
Throw the baby is called a foal.
Male horses in the stallion, mare, she is called to.
MOLE (Köstebek)
They live under the soil infiltrator.
They live under the soil infiltrator.
The number of fingers is five.
They dug up the front with mole.
Mole mammal is an animal.
The eyes are very small mole.
Mole of the bristles are short and often.
HYRAX (Yaban Faresi)
Hyrax mammal is an animal
Are fed with grass and leaves
Countries of the Arabian Peninsula, eastern and southern Africa.
Thirty-cm and 70 cm in length, two – five pounds in weight
Incisors have
Rodent is an animal of the wild mice.
Has a short tail.
They live in herds.
The family cat.
Running is the fastest animal in the world.
They live on land.
There is a small head with sharp eyes.
There are mottled fur.
There is a cheetah’s tail.
Cheetah 35 to 65 pounds in weight, 115-135 cm long
ZEBRA (Zebra)
Its hometown is Afrika.
Zebra lives on land.
It looks like a horse, but it’s a bit smaller.
It has a short bunch of hair on its head and a small tail.
It is silver-white or yellowish-white with black stripes.
It’s about 1.5 meters, grass and other plants.
EAGLE (Kartal)
It lives in the mountains and tall trees. It also lives near large lakes.
It can be many different colours but is’s usually Brown or black.
It has got wings with light Brown feathers.
It has got a big beak and eats small animals.
It’s normally 1 meter tall.
It can weigh up to 4.5 kilıgrams.
It often eats mammals like mice and sometimes fish.
KANGAROO (Kanguru)
Kangaroos : two front teeth a marsupial of families.
The most striking common feature kagaroos the back legs than front legs, is big.
Kangurugiller is herbivorous.
kangaroos Australia ‘, the New Guinea’ de, Tasmania ‘, and recently has also lived in the island.
The head is missing fingers on the back foot.
Heads are small and long.
It is the only animal that can not go backwards.
Monkey (Maymun)
A monkey is any cercopithecoid (Old World monkey) or platyrrhine (New World monkey) primate. All primates that are not prosimians or apes are monkeys. The 264 known extant monkey species represent two of the three groupings of simian primates (the third group being the 22 species of apes). Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent and, unlike apes, monkeys usually have tails.
The New World monkeys are classified within the parvorder Platyrrhini, whereas the Old World monkeys (superfamily Cercopithecoidea) form part of the parvorder Catarrhini, which also includes the apes. Thus, scientifically speaking, monkeys are paraphyletic (not a single coherent group) and Old World monkeys are actually more closely related to the apes than they are to the New World monkeys.
Fısh (Balık)
A fish is any aquatic vertebrate animal that is covered with scales, and equipped with two sets of paired fins and several unpaired fins. Most fish are “cold-blooded”, or ectothermic, allowing their body temperatures to vary as ambient temperatures change. Fish are abundant in most bodies of water. They can be found in nearly all aquatic environments, from high mountain streams (e.g., char and gudgeon) to the abyssal and even hadal depths of the deepest oceans (e.g., gulpers and anglerfish). At 31,900 species, fish exhibit greater species diversity than any other class of vertebrates.
Food prepared from animals classified as fish is also referred to as fish, and is an important human food source. Commercial and subsistence fishers hunt fish in wild fisheries (see fishing) or farm them in ponds or in cages in the ocean (see aquaculture). They are also caught by recreational fishers and raised by fishkeepers, and are exhibited in public aquaria. Fish have had a role in culture through the ages, serving as deities, religious symbols, and as the subjects of art, books and movies.
Rabbits (Tavşan)
Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There are seven different genera in the family classified as rabbits, including the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), cottontail rabbits (genus Sylvilagus; 13 species), and the Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi, an endangered species on Amami Ōshima, Japan). There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with pikas and hares, make up the order Lagomorpha. The male is called a buck and the female is a doe; a young rabbit is a kit.
Turtles (Kaplunbağa)
Tortoises (Testudinidae) or land turtles are a family of land-dwelling reptiles of the order of Turtles (Testudines). Like their marine cousins, the sea turtles, tortoises are shielded from predators by a shell. The top part of the shell is the carapace, the underside is the plastron, and the two are connected by the bridge. The tortoise has both an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton. Tortoises can vary in size from a few centimeters to two meters. Tortoises are usually diurnal animals with tendencies to be crepuscular depending on the ambient temperatures. They are generally reclusive animals.
Parrot (Papağan)
Cattle (colloquially cows) are the most common type of large domesticated ungulates. They are a prominent modern member of the subfamily Bovinae, are the most widespread species of the genus Bos, and are most commonly classified collectively as Bos primigenius. Cattle are raised as livestock for meat (beef and veal), as dairy animals for milk and other dairy products, and as draft animals (pulling carts, plows and the like). Other products include leather and dung for manure or fuel. In some countries, such as India, cattle are sacred. It is estimated that there are 1.3 billion cattle in the world today. In 2009, cattle became the first livestock animal to have its genome mapped.
Cow (İnek)
Cattle (colloquially cows) are the most common type of large domesticated ungulates. They are a prominent modern member of the subfamily Bovinae, are the most widespread species of the genus Bos, and are most commonly classified collectively as Bos primigenius. Cattle are raised as livestock for meat (beef and veal), as dairy animals for milk and other dairy products, and as draft animals (pulling carts, plows and the like). Other products include leather and dung for manure or fuel. In some countries, such as India, cattle are sacred. It is estimated that there are 1.3 billion cattle in the world today. In 2009, cattle became the first livestock animal to have its genome mapped.
About Giraffe
The giraffe is the world”s tallest living animals. The average male is about 17 ft tall. The tallest giraffes on record have measured nearly 20 ft.
Giraffes live in open woodlands and gather food with their tongues. Their necks which make up half of their height allow them to reach leaves far above the ground. They are able to watch for danger because they are so tall. If attacked than can fight back with a deadly kick
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