Geçen derste tamamlanan fiillerin en önemli za­manlanın, aşağıda toplu halde vermeyi faydalı bul­duk. Diğer fiilleri de bu örneklere bakarak çekebilir­siniz.


to ask — sormak ŞİMDİKİ ZAMAN
I askben soruyorum
you asksen soruyorsun
he, she askso soruyor
we askbiz soruyoruz
you asksiz soruyorsunuz
they askonlar soruyorlar


I am askingsormaktayım
you are askingsormaktasın.
he, she is askingsormaktadır
we are askingsormaktayız
you are askingsormaktasınız
they are askingsormaktadırlar


I askedben sordum
you askedsen sordun
he, she askedo sordu
we askedbiz sorduk
you askedsiz sordunuz
they askedonlar sordular


I was askingsormaktaydım
you were askingsormaktaydın
he, she was askingsormaktaydı
we were askingsormaktaydık
you were askingsormaktaydınız
they were askingsormaktaydılar



I have askedsormuştum
you have askedsormuştun
he, she has askedsormuştu
we have askedsormuştuk
you have askedsormuştunuz
they have askedsormuştular


I shall askben soracağım
you will asksen soracaksın
he, she will asko soracak
we shall askbiz soracağız
you will asksiz soracaksınız
they will askonlar soracaklar



I should asksoracaktım
you would asksoracaktın
he, she would asksoracaktı
we should asksoracaktık
you would asksoracaktınız
they would asksoracaklardı




I am askedbana soruyorlar
you are askedsana soruyorlar
he, she is askedona soruyorlar
we are askedbize soruyorlar
you are askedsize soruyorlar
they are askedonlara soruyorlar
I was askedbana soruldu
you were askedsana soruldu
he, she was askedona soruldu
we were askedbize soruldu
you were askedsize soruldu
they were askedonlara soruldu
I shall be askedbana sorulacak
you will be askedsana sorulacak
he, she will be askedona sorulacak
we shall be askedbize sorulacak
you will be askedsize sorulacak
they will be askedonlara sorulacak



let me ask                              sorayım

let him ask                             sorsun

let us ask                                soralım

let them ask                           sorsunlar


address (adres) adres, beach (biç) plaj, sahil, company (kam’pani) arkadaş­lık; topluluk; şirket, discovery (dis’kavöri) bulma, bulgu.

exactly (igzakt’li) tam, aynen, tıpatıp.

exercise (ek’sörsayz) egzersiz, further (för’dhır) daha çok;

bundan başka, knowledge (nö’lıc bilgi, bilim, law (16) kanun, yasa; hukuk.

London (lan’dm) Londra, immediately (imi’diet’li) derhal, music (miu’zik) çalgı, müzik, nobody (no’bodi) hiç kimse, native (ne’tiv) yerli, mahallî, noise (noiz) gürültü, pocket-book (pokıt-buk) para cüzdanı, recognize, to (tu rikog’nayz) tanımak, refuse, to (tu ri’fiuz) reddetmek, trouble (tra’bıl) üzüntü, dert, true (trû) gerçek, hakikî.


Will you keep me company?Bana arkadaşlık edecek misiniz?
What has brought you here?Sizi buraya, hangi rüzgâr attı?
I have something important to tell you.Size söyliyecek önemli bir şeyim var.
I don’t know what you are talking about.Neden bahsettiğinizi anlamıyorum.
Nobody likes books as much as I do.Hiç kimse benim kadar kitap sevemez.
I shall not trouble you further.Sizi daha uzun rahatsız etmiyeceğim.
I have no need of it any longer.Artık ona ihtiyacım kalmadı.
My watch keeps good time (or goes exactly).Saatim dakika şaşmaz.


EGZERSİZ 51 — Aşağıdaki cümlelerde fiilin (şim­diki zaman), (geçmiş zaman) veyahut (gelecek za­man) olduğunu yanlarına yazınız. Örnek:

The sun will rise (gelecek zaman).

The sun will rise. — The boy reads a book. — My father slept here. — We shall walk in the garden. — The men refused to begin work. — You will finish the exercises. — They swim very fast. — She gave me her address. — We heard a good music. — The boy makes too much noise. — My sister has gone to London. — They saw me in the street. — He will help us. — She sings the song of her native country. — They will go to the beach. — The girl buys gloves from the shop.


A strange adventure.


Ten years after, Lord Pelham was walking through the streets of London, when a jewelry shop splendidly lighted attracted his attention He entered and asked to see same jewels, and at the first word of the shopkeeper, he recognized the thief.

The following morning he took a basket and went to the shop.

When he was together with the shopkeeper, the lord said:

“Will you not buy a white rabbit?”

“What shall I do with it?” asked the jeweller.

“I am convinced that you will do me the favour to buy this nice rabbit,” said the lord, and at once put a gun to his face.

The merchant was very much afraid and said : “What is the price of the little rabbit?”

“A thousand pounds.”

“Oh! my lord!” cried out the shopkeeper presen­ting his pocket-book, “there, take them.”

The lord took his thousand pounds from it, and wanted to leave the remaining to the jeweller.

But the latter replied:

“The money that I borrowed of you in so strange a manner has turned to good profit. Keep that money for some charitable purpose.”

Lord Pelham took another thousand pounds and immediately sent it to the Foundling Hospital.

He promised the jeweller never to disclose the affair; and he kept his word.

throught the streets of London: Londra sokak­larında!.

a jewelry shop (e cyu’elri sop): kuyumcu dükkânı, attrocted his attention: onun gözüne çarptı, the following morning (dhî fol’oing mor’ninn): ertesi sabah.

I am convinced : şüphe etmiyorum. I am convin­ced that you will do me the fovour : bana bu iyiliği yapacağınızdan eminim.

presenting his pocket-book: cüzdanını uzatarak, there, take them : işte, alın, to leave the remaining: paranın kalanını bırak­mak.

the latter (dhî lat’er): öteki (harfiyen: sonuncu). in so strange a manner: öyle garip bir tarzda, to turn to good profit: yararlı bir sonuca varmak charitable purpose (çar’itabıl pör’pos): hayır işleri. Foundling Hospital (faund’ling hos’pital) : kimsesiz çocuklar hastanesi.

never to disclose the affair: meseleyi kimseye aç­mamağa!.

he kept his word: sözünü tuttu.


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