VOCABULARY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PHRASES | ||||||||||||||
(Younp’lar aldıkları mektup yüzünden telaşa kapılıyor.)
TOM Dorothy, tell me what’s in Helen Benedict’s letter. You look qui te pale.
DOROTHY This is terrible. The Benedicts expect to be back on Saturday evening!
TOM Oh, dear, this is a nuisance. They didn’t tell us exactly which day they expected to come back.
DOROTHY No, I forgot to ask them how long they meant to stay in Scotland. But I didn’t expect them to come until Monday. Your mot her will still be here on Saturday – she’s staying until Sunday. We haven’t a room for Mr and Mrs Benedict.
TOM We can’t tell Mother to go home one day early.
DOROTHY Can I write to them and ask them to stay two more days.
TOM No, it’s too late; they won’t get the letter. We had better get
Patrick to sleep in the boxroom. He won’t mind it’s only for two days. Then we can ask mother to move into his room.
DOROTHY Don’t you think she’ll mind doing that ?
TOM No, I’m sure she won’t mind.
DOROTHY Then will you speak to her at once ?
I want to have it settled.
TOM All right.
DOROTHY I’d better tell Mrs Banks to help your mother to move her
things. And then I’ll get her to turn out the big bedroom, and get it ready for the Benedicts.
TOM You see ? We’ll manage ail right!
Practice sentences for lessons 30 and 31:
I want three-and-a-half yards of cloth to make a suit… He promised not to go away…Did you manage to open the door ?…She seems to enjoy that book…Don’t forget to ask them for their address…
[ ] enjoy, journey, village, language, manager [ ] rich, which, church, cheque, chair, cheese, picture
Note : nuisance [ x ]; a cloth [ x ]; ç. cloths [ x ]; clothes [ x ] (tekili yok) (giysiler)
Ardından mastar gelen fiiller ve mastarlı ifadeler:
Ders 30.da ardından mastar gelen bazı fiillere rastlamıştık. Bu fiillerin çoğunun ardından yalnız komple mastar değil bir isim ve zamir de gelebilir. Bu durumda zamir cümlede tümleç durumuna geçer, mastar fiil özneyi bağlar.
I’ll help Elsa to buy a skirt. Elsa’nın bir etek almasına yardım edeceğim.
Bu basit bir yapıdır ve örnekleri de aşağıdadır: | ||||||||||||||
Bu bilgileri bazı yorumlarla sona erdirelim : TELL. To teli’ de bir anlatma, bildirme anlamı vardır, çünkü ardından bir isim tümleci gelir. Ardından mastar gelince de söyleme anlamı ağırlık kazanır: | ||||||
TO ASK. Daha önce karşılaştığımız tüm kullanımlara tekrar bakalım : | ||||||||
EXPECT. To expect beklemek, ummak, tahmin etmek anlamındadır: | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
GET. To get + mastar olursa anlam değişecektir. Bu yapı, to get fiiline, ikna ile elde etme, inandırma anlamı katar: örneain. aet + readv‘ de hazırlama va da hazırlanma anlamı vardır: |
Tell him to get ready. | Söyle, hazırlansın. |
Tell him to get the room ready. | Söyle odayı hazırlasın. |
WANT. Want + mastar kadar kolay bir yapı olamaz :
I want Patrick to help me. Patrick’in bana yardım etmesini
The manager wants him to do this. Müdür bunu yapmasını istiyor. MEAN. Ardından mastar gelince, niyeti olmak anlamı kazanır:
What does this mean ? Bu ne demek ?
He meant to explain it Açıklamak niyetindeydi
– TO MIND fiilinin ardından isim-fiil gelir:
Do you mind coming now ? Şimdi gelmenizin bir mahzuru var mı?
He didn’t mind sleeping in that O sandık odasında yatmaya
boxroom. itirazı olmadı.
– UNTIL (ya da TILL) aslında …kadar demektir, ama olumsuzla
kullanıldığında “o zamandan önce değil anlamına gelir:
They’ll stay till Sunday. Pazara kadar kalacaklar.
He won’t go until 12 at night. Gecenin 12 ‘ sinden önce gitmeyecek.
– MORE’ un şu kullanımına bakalım :
He’ll stay two more days. İki gün daha kalacak.
– WHICH soru zamiridir, bir farklılık, bir seçme durumunda kullanılır, erkek, dişi ve cansızlar için geçerlidir. Bu nedenle bunu, kişilerin kimliğini soran WHO ile ve nötr olan WHAT ile karıştırmamak gerekir:
Who was it ? – It was John. Kimdi o ? – John’di.
What’s this ? – Tom’s letter. Bu ne ? – Tom’un mektubu.
He’ll come next week, but he didn’t Haftaya gelecek ama hangi gün ol say which day. duğunu söylemedi.
Which aynı zamanda nötr bir ilgi zamiri olarak kullanılır (yani ki anlamına):
A door which opens into the bedroom. Yatak odasına açılan kapı (Bir kapı ki yatak odasına açılır.)
-Soru formu (geçirgen olan ve olmayan fiiller = nesne alan ve almayan): Geçirgen fiillerle kullanılan WH sorularında aşağıdakileri görmüştük :
I bought a book. – What did you buy ? Bir kitap satın aldım. – Ne satın aldın? Ama eğer fiil geçirgen değilse, yani nesne almayan türdense, örneğin : We listened to a few records, gibi to’ya ihtiyaç gösteriyorsa, sorusu şöyle yapılır
Soru kelimesi who ya da what + yardımcı fiil + özne + fiil + edat.
Fiili tamamlayan edat o fiilden ayrılmaz, vurgulu söylenir, fiille arasında ses duraklaması yapılmaz.
Who is she talking to ? Kiminle konuşuyor ?
What did you look at ? Neye baktın ?
Who were they with ? Kiminleydiler ?
What is she pointing at ? Kimi işaret ediyor ?
EXERCISE 1. Replace the noun by a pronoun, as follows :
He told John to come. …. He told him to come.
1. She wants the Benedicts to come with her. 2. He asked Dorothy to wait. 3. He wants Patrick and me to help him. 4.1 expect our friends to arrive in the evening. 5. She will get Mrs. Banks to do the room. 6. Please teli your brother to phone me.
EXERCISE 2. Build sentences, as follows:
How long will they stay ? ( ask them) …… Ask them how long they will stay.
1. How much did it cost ? (ask him). 2. At what time will she leave ? (tell me). 3. What is in Helen’s letter ? (tell me). 4. How much did you enjoy it ? (tell us). 5. When did she arrive ? (ask her). 6. What can I do ? (ask him). 7. Where did they go on Sunday ? (tell me).
EXERCISE 3. Repeat these sentences,adding agjeâicnas ölows:
You expected a letter……….You expected a letter, didn’t you ?
1. She’ll get it ready. 2. They won’t be here until Tuesday. 3. It was a niuisance. 4. You told her mother. 5. She doesn’t mind. 6. He slept in the boxroom. 7. There’s another bedroom. 8. She looked pale. 9. He won’t wait. 10. I’m ready.
EXERCISE. 4 Build sentences as follows:
Stand up……….Do you mind standing up ?
1. Go away. 2. Move. 3. Take off your hat. 4. Not smoke. 5. Not make that noise.
EXERCISE 5. Look at the picture on pag 171. In this picture, you can see Mrs Banks the charwoman (hizmetkar kadın).
She is on the landing in Dr Young’s house. The stairs come up to the left of the picture. There are doors which open into the bedrooms. You can see Mrs Young opening a door and talking to Dr Young. She is pointing at the doorway of the big bedroom. Now please answer the following questions, but first you’ll find these words very Useful (yararlı) to answer them :
to point at | işaret etmek | some rubbish | biraz çöp |
a carpet | halı | a duster | toz bezi |
a door-handle | kapı kulpu | some soap | biraz sabun |
a doorway | kapı geçişi | a mop | yer bezi |
a brush | fırça | some polish | biraz cila |
a broom | saplı süpürge | an apron | önlük |
a pail | kova | a hatpin | şapka iğnesi |
atin | teneke | a vacuum-cleaner | elektrik süpürgesi |
some powder | biraz toz (pudra) | some flex | kablo |
a dustpan | faraş | a plug | priz |
a charwoman | hizmetkar kadın | a handle | sap, kulp |
a tube | hortum |
1. What is the charwoman’s name ? 2. What is she holding in her hand ? 3. Where is the hatpin ? 4. Who is talking ? 5. Who is she talking to ? 6. What is she pointing at ? 7. Where is Dorothy’s left hand ? 8. Where is the broom ?9. Many things in the picture have handles : can you name six of them ? (say for instance (mesela): The door has a handle, and…) 10. What goes from the wall to the vacuum-cleaner ? 11. Can you see any tubes? Where ? 12. Where is Mrs Young standing ? 13. Where is Mrs Banks ? 14. Where is there some rubbish ? 15. What is the tin of polish near ? 16. What is in the pail ? 17. Where is the soap ? 18. Where is the tin of cleaning-powder ? 19. What has Mrs Banks round her ? 20. What can you see on the left ?